Safety resources & ways to stay safe on Facebook
Here are a few things you can do to stay safe on Facebook:
- Learn how to use Facebook's settings to comfortably share and connect with others.
- Learn how to recognize sensitive content and behavior and how to report it.
- Remember these simple rules about staying safe online:
- Never share your password.
- Think before you post.
- Adjust your privacy settings and review them often.
- Only accept friend requests from people you know personally.
- Report things that look suspicious.
Learn more about internet safety from these resources:
- Facebook's Bullying Prevention Hub provides resources and tips that help teens, parents and educators deal with bullying and its consequences.
- MTV's A Thin Line: This campaign empowers kids to identify, respond to and stop the spread of digital abuse in their own lives. The campaign is built on the understanding that there's a "thin line" between what may begin as a harmless joke and something that could end up having a serious impact.
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works to track and bring offenders to account either directly or in partnership with local and international forces.
- Childnet International works to track and bring offenders to account either directly or in partnership with local and international forces.
- Commonsense.org provides trustworthy information and education to help kids thrive in a world of media and technology.
- ConnectSafely.org is an online forum that gives teens and parents a voice in the public discussion about youth online. It also offers many other resources, such as social-media safety tips for teens and parents.
- Cyberbullying Research Center provides up-to-date information about cyberbullying among adolescents and serves as a center of information about the ways adolescents use and misuse technology.
- FOSI.org works to make the online world safer for families by encouraging best practices and tools that respect free expression in the field of online safety.
- NCMEC.org serves as the US’s resource on missing and sexually exploited children. It provides information and resources to law enforcement and other professionals, parents and children, including child victims.
- OnguardOnline.gov is a program of the US's Federal Trade Commission that provides practical tips to avoid internet fraud.
- UK Council for Internet Safety is a collection of research about internet safety.
- WiredSafety has tools to help young people make smart media and technology choices. Three of their popular programs are STOP cyberbullying, Teenangels and WiredCops.