Restore end-to-end encrypted chats with a one-time code on Messenger
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To restore your chats without having to enter a PIN or 40-character code, you can learn more about restoring chats with an Apple ID or restoring chats with a Google Account.
This feature is gradually being introduced and may not be available to you yet.
If you’ve stored your Messenger chat history in secure storage but have forgotten your security method (for example, a PIN), you can restore your chats on a new device with a one-time code. This one-time code will be sent to the Messenger app on any of your mobile devices where you’ve recently used Messenger.
Restore chats with a one-time code on
On a new device:
- Log in to
- Click Use a one-time code instead. Note: If you have a 40-character code, you'll have to click More options first, and then click Use a one-time code instead.
- Check a mobile device where you've recently used Messenger. You can't receive a one-time code on a computer.
- If you requested a one-time code, tap This was me to retrieve your one-time code.
- Enter the one-time code on your new device.
Restore chats with a one-time code on
On a new device:
- Log in to
- Click
- Click Use a one-time code instead. Note: If you have a 40-character code, you'll have to click More options first, and then click Use a one-time code instead.
- Check a mobile device where you've recently used Messenger. Keep in mind that you cannot receive a one-time code on a desktop device.
- If you requested a one-time code, tap This was me to retrieve your one-time code.
- Enter the one-time code on your new device.
Note: If you didn't request a one-time code but received a notification asking if you did, tap This wasn't me to keep your account secure. You can learn more about privacy and safety in Messenger.
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