Share your channel on Facebook or Messenger

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Channels, formerly called broadcast channels, are currently available to:
  • Pages with more than 10,000 followers
  • Profiles with professional mode turned on with more than 10,000 followers
Anyone can invite others to join a Page’s channel by sharing a link. You can promote a channel to others by sending a link, sharing it to your feed, sharing it to your story and more.
People you invite will be able to preview the channel and content before joining it. They can also leave the channel at any time after joining.
  1. From the channel, click Channel info on the right.
  2. Click Share .
  3. From here, you can:
    • Search for a person to message a link to join the channel.
    • Click Copy next to Invite Link to copy and send someone a link to join the channel.
    • Click Share to Facebook to post a link to the channel to your Feed.

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