Restore end-to-end encrypted chats with a 40-character code on Messenger

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To restore your chats without having to enter a 40-character code, you can learn more about restoring chats with an Apple ID or restoring chats with a Google Account.
This feature is gradually being introduced and may not be available to you yet.
If you saved your chats in secure storage from Messenger, you can restore them on a new device using a 40-character code. This is the same 40-character code that would’ve been generated when you first enrolled in secure storage if you chose to generate a 40-character code. If you don’t recall generating a 40-character code, or you’re being asked to enter a PIN to restore your chat history, you can learn about other options to restore your end-to-end encrypted chats on Messenger.
If you generated a 40-character code when you first enrolled in secure storage but you can’t remember it, you may be able to restore your chats with a one-time code.
Note: secure storage settings must be turned on in order for you to restore your chats with a 40-character code. Learn how to turn on secure storage.

Restore chats with a 40-character code on a computer

If secure storage is turned on, you’ll be asked to enter your 40-character code when you log in to on a computer. Enter your 40-character code to restore your chat history.
If secure storage isn’t turned on or you aren’t asked to enter your 40-character code when you log in:
  1. Go to
  2. Click on your profile picture.
  3. Click Privacy & safety.
  4. Click End-to-end encrypted chats.
  5. Click Message storage.
  6. Click Turn on secure storage.
  7. Enter your PIN to restore your chat history.

Generate a new 40-character code

Keep in mind that generating a new 40-character code will not restore your chat history.
  1. Open Messenger on your device with message storage on and tap Menu in the top left.
  2. Tap Setting.
  3. Tap Privacy & safety.
  4. Tap End-to-end encrypted chats.
  5. Tap Message storage.
  6. Tap More options below How you restore your chat history.
  7. Tap Generate 40-character code.

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