Report a problem with the Messenger app

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This process is to report something on Messenger that isn't working correctly, like a broken feature. Learn how to report abuse or other conversations that go against our standards.
If something's not working in Messenger, try updating the app. If it's still not working after updating, you can report it to us through your profile settings.

Report a problem from your profile settings

Desktop App
  1. Open Messenger for Windows or macOS.
  2. Click your photo in the bottom left.
  3. Click Preferences.
  4. Click Report a problem.
  5. Describe the problem in the text box, including the steps you took to encounter the issue.
  6. Click Submit.
Desktop (
  1. Open Messenger for Windows or macOS.
  2. Click your photo in the bottom left.
  3. Click Report a problem.
  4. Describe the problem in the text box, including the steps you took to encounter the issue.
  5. Click Submit.
Providing details and screenshots helps us find the problem. While we don't reply to every report, we may contact you for more information as we investigate.
We appreciate the time it takes to give us this information and will only use it to improve the product.

What to do if you still have a problem

When things don't work on Messenger, we want to fix them right away. If you still have the problem after reporting it, please report it again with the following tips in mind:
  • Be sure to report problems through the right channel.
  • Report broken features as soon as you see them.
  • Clearly explain what you were doing when the problem occurred and what steps we can take to reproduce the problem.
  • Attach screenshots if you have them.
  • The feature might actually be working as intended, so check the Help Center to see if that's the case.

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