Payments in Messenger
Payments in Messenger are only available in the US.
With payments in Messenger, you can securely send and receive money with friends in chats. Learn how to add a payment method and keep your account secure with PIN-protected payments.
For information on Marketplace, donations, ads, or game payments, visit the Payments help center.
Get started
Who is eligible to send and receive money in Messenger
Accepted payment methods in Messenger
Add or remove a payment method in Messenger
Change your default payment method in Messenger
How long it take to receive money in Messenger
Fees for sending or receiving money in Messenger
Payments in Messenger not available for personal businesses
About transaction limits for payments in Messenger
Connect or disconnect your Messenger payment method to Instagram
Change the Instagram account your Messenger payment method is connected to
Send and receive money
Send or receive money in Messenger
Request money from friends on Messenger
Pay or decline requests for money on Messenger
About canceling payments sent in Messenger
About sending money to other Messenger accounts that use the same payment methods
Decline money sent to you in Messenger
Payment status
If you haven't received the money sent to you in Messenger yet
Pending payments in Messenger
Why payments in Messenger might fail
Why payments in Messenger might be canceled
Find your transaction history for payments in Messenger
Opt out of using payments on Messenger
Payments privacy
How Facebook protects your payment info in Messenger
What information is shared when I use payments in Messenger?
Your payment info is securely stored when you send or receive money in Messenger
Payments security
Set up or change your PIN for payments in Messenger
Keep your Facebook account secure when using payments in Messenger
Common money scams when sending or receiving money in Messenger
Report suspicious activity on payments in Messenger
About identity and payment method verification for sending money in Messenger
Find your verification code for payments in Messenger
Why you're asked to update your profile info to use payments in Messenger
Contact us
How do I contact Facebook for help with payments in Messenger?