Block someone's profile on Messenger
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When you block someone's Facebook profile on Messenger, it also blocks their profile on Facebook. They won't be able to message, call or find your profile on Messenger or Facebook chat. If you're Facebook friends, blocking them also unfriends them. Profiles won't be notified when you block them.
Blocking messages and calls from someone is different from blocking their profile. If you block messages and calls from someone but don't block them on Facebook, they'll no longer be able to message or call you on Messenger or Facebook chat, but you'll still be able to see their Facebook profile. Depending on their privacy settings, you may also be able to see things like their status updates, comments, likes and tags on Facebook.
Block someone's profile on Messenger
Desktop (
- Open a conversation with the person you want to block and click
- Click Privacy & support, then click Block.
- Select Block messages and calls or Block on Facebook.
- Click Block to confirm.
Desktop App:
- Open a conversation with the person you want to block and click
- Select Block on Messenger to block messages and calls, or Block on Facebook to block the profile on Facebook.
- Click Block to confirm.
How blocking works with multiple Facebook profiles
When you block someone's Facebook profile while on the Messenger app, it only blocks them from interacting with the profile you're currently using. You'll also need to block their profile from other Facebook profiles you may have or that you create in the future.
If the person you blocked has more than one Facebook profile, blocking one of their profiles will limit how their other profiles can interact with you. Learn more about having multiple Facebook profiles.
If you aren't ready to block someone's profile, you can also restrict a profile, turn off notifications for a chat or delete a conversation. If you've already blocked a profile, learn how to check your blocked list or unblock someone's profile.